This morning, my heart is fire and broken glass. I grieve for the women of Texas, told that their wombs are not theirs to control. I grieve for black women and men, told once again that their lives matter less and that they are expendable. I grieve for the friends and family of a young man lost to his own demons. And all I want is to see something good in the world around me.
And in the darkness, I think of you. Your wisdom, love, humour and grace give me hope. Even when you make me crazy, I love you all with every beat of my heart. You challenge me, lift me, give me strength in the moments like these. Hold on to your righteous rage, your noble hearts, your desire to see this fucked up world be a better place.
Because you do make it better. Every act of kindness, every bit of generosity, every rational, intelligent discussion, every protest and struggle for change makes a difference, if only slight.
But, we cannot stop. Even in the face of the devil himself.
Fight on.